Dieting is a difficult subject for many. It is also difficult to keep up with dieting.
You can diet because you want to lose weight or for health reasons. What is important when you start dieting or dieting is that you don't get the yo-yo effect. It's good to make healthy eating your lifestyle so you don't fall back into your old eating patterns and stay at a healthy weight.
When you are really overweight and need to lose weight for health reasons, it is important that you start dieting to lose weight. Here you should consider 0.5 to 1 kilo per week in the first two months. Creating a calorie deficit and losing too much weight in a short period of time is not good for your health. Also, your body will actually store extra fat because there is a deficit. Take the time to lose weight in a healthy way up to about 4 kilograms per month. In this way, although you are working longer, at the same time you are making healthy eating your lifestyle.
Reasonable weight, but still just a few edges of fat you want to get rid of? Here I am assuming that you are already eating healthy, but there may be some minor adjustments that can be made.
If you still want to eliminate the final edge, you can think about strength training combined with the right diet and supplements.
Strength training is very effective for the last edges of fat, because here you create the afterburn effect. Here you burn energy even after your workout by sitting back in your easy chair! Because strength training makes your muscles bigger, you burn more calories at rest anyway because your muscles need more energy when they are bigger. You can still do cardio in addition to strength training, but try to shorten it by doing hitt or walking, for example.
- Assuming you're already eating healthy, there are bound to be adjustments that can be made. Consider:
- Protein; eat more protein to stay satiated better and have fewer cravings
- Carbs: eat the complex carbs. Cereal rice, sweet potatoes, bananas.
- Want to know more about carbohydrates? Then read this article on our website.
- Eat plenty of good fats (unsaturated fats) such as fatty fish, nuts and seeds, avocado and liquid cooking products.
- Consuming caffeine like coffee. Caffeine is the best-known fat burner on the market.
- Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Supplementing your diet with supplements
There are so many different diets in the world that I am not going to name them all. I'll pick out a few that I could also support following.
The Paleo diet is nothing more than eating the way our ancestors did. No you don't have to go hunting or berry picking now. Today you can eat just fine the way they used to.
What can you eat?
Lots of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds and grains (gluten-free).
You basically eat as naturally as possible. Unprocessed and sugar free. It takes some switching but you will see that this can become an excellent lifestyle.
In the ketogenic diet, you eat as few carbohydrates as possible. A maximum of 50 grams per day.
You can eat unlimited carbohydrates from vegetables. You increase your fat and protein intake with this diet.
Because you eat almost no carbohydrates, it is important to supplement the vitamins and minerals you miss. Think of the B vitamins and iodine.
The first week you may feel very lousy. This is called ketoflu and will go away by itself. Think of a real flu feeling and especially a lot of headaches. Drinking a lot of water can help. After this week you will start to feel much better and have less insulin fluctuations.
The sugar diet is not a diet where you actually start eating sugar. Rather, you are going to avoid anything that has added sugar in it. Personally, I don't consider this a real diet, but more of a healthy way of life.
By not eating added sugars you stay better on weight and you do not suffer from fluctuations in your insulin levels.
It is always important to drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters per day and more on training days. Water ensures that waste products are removed. When your fluid balance is in order you will suffer less from headaches, feel fitter and more energetic and even perform better at sports. In the morning upon waking up, it is good to immediately replenish your deficit from the night by drinking a glass of water upon waking.
Stress can cause your cortisol level to be too high, making it more difficult to lose weight. A good night's sleep and sufficient moments of relaxation during the day can help you lose weight. Walking in nature can also help lower cortisol levels.
Supplements that can help you lose excess fat are grouped on this page of our website.